Welcome to the Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference
The Association of Leadership Educators’ vision is to set the standard for Leadership Education as the leading resource for the exchange and development of quality ideas, scholarship, and practice that impact the field of Leadership Education. ALE establishes the bridge between research and practice in Leadership Education through an inclusive and engaging community of dynamic leadership educators, committed to consistently growing, thriving, and advancing the field of Leadership Education.
This website will serve as both the conference submission portal and the review portal. Please note the key dates for proposals, reviews, and notifications below.
If you have questions about the conference, please see our Conference Website or reach out to Brittany Adams-Pope, ALE Vice President and Conference Chair at ALEConferenceChair@gmail.com
Please note conference proposal submitters and reviewers must create an account on this website (click on the Register button on the right) - this is separate from your Association of Leadership Educators membership log in.
Key Conference Dates
Submission Open | December 2, 2024 |
Submission Close | February 11, 2025 |
Review Process Begins: | February 24, 2025 |
Review Due: | March 14, 2025 |
Decisions Emails Sent by: | April 11, 2025 |
Presenter(s) Registration Deadline: | May 16, 2025 |
Conference Location Information
The 2025 ALE Conference will be held at | San Diego Mission Bay Resort, San Diego, CA, July 13-16, 2025 |
2025 Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference
July 13-16, 2025
San Diego Mission Bay Resort-San Diego, CA
We are pleased to invite submissions for presentation at the 2025 Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference. We invite submissions across six categories –
- Research manuscripts
- Practice/Application manuscripts
- Workshops
- Panels
- Roundtable discussions
- Posters
For a full description of each proposal category, along with related templates, submission and formatting requirements, and review rubrics, please see the Conference Website. Integration of the conference theme into submissions is encouraged but not required.
- There is a limit of two first-author submissions, except posters - there is no limit on the number of poster submissions
- Non-ALE-members may submit proposals for conference presentations. If accepted for presentation, at least one author of the proposal must join ALE as a member prior to the conference registration deadline.
- All submissions will include a 200 word abstract
- All reviews are conducted through a double blind, volunteer review process. Please do not include identifying information. Panel submissions, however, should include identifying panelist information
- Special attention should be given to using bias-free language as articulated by the American Psychological Association; See the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association style, 7th edition, Chapter 5 for tips about how to reduce bias
- All submissions should be uploaded to the submission portal as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) files
See the 2025 Call for Proposals and Submission Formatting Guidelines for full submission and formatting details.
See past conference proceedings for examples of successful submissions.
Conference Proposal Submission Categories
Research Manuscripts
Research manuscript submissions share the results of a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods study that contribute to the emerging leadership education and educational strategy discourse. Submissions will include a clear statement of research purpose, review and synthesis of related literature, clear explanation of methodology, discussion of findings and conclusions, and appropriate recommendations.
- Session length: 20-30 minutes
- Submission word limit: 8000 words (excluding abstract and references)
Practice/Application Manuscripts
Practice/application manuscript submissions will discuss a project, program, practice or tool that has been implemented. Application manuscripts should include a clear issue statement, a grounding of the pedagogy/andragogy in salient literature, description of the application, discussion of outcomes and implications, and recommendations.
- Session length: 20-30 minutes
- Submission word limit: 5000 words (excluding abstract and references)
Workshops provide an opportunity for a longer, more in-depth experience and active participation around an innovative educational practice, teaching and learning tool, or research method. Facilitators will include opportunities for active attendee participation and/or knowledge sharing.
- Session length: 90 minutes
- Submission word limit: 2000 words (excluding abstract and references)
Panel chairs bring together 3-4 experts in an area of work for facilitated discussion and question and answer opportunities. Panel topics may be practice, research, or pedagogy/learning focused and interdisciplinary panels that reach across areas of practice or expertise are encouraged.
- Session length: 90 minutes
- Submission word limit: 2000 words (excluding abstract and references)
Roundtable Discussions
Roundtable discussions allow participants to discuss and share ideas with each other on a topic of shared interest with the aid of a facilitator. These small, informal discussions may focus on nascent research or program ideas to facilitate collaboration around shared interests to strengthen future projects. They also serve as opportunities for conversation and community building among leadership educators with similar interests.During roundtable sessions, facilitators should provide a brief introduction to the topic and allow attendees to discuss and share ideas with each other. The facilitator serves as a guide and frames the conversation and encourages active discussion from the group. Each roundtable session will last 30 minutes and participants are encouraged to come and go between roundtables during the session as they please. Facilitators should be prepared to engage attendees as they come and go.
- Session length: 30 minutes
- Submission word limit: 500 words (excluding abstract and references)
Professional quality posters outlining either leadership practice or research relevant to the leadership education field are encouraged. Submissions from scholars and practitioners are encouraged. Posters should introduce, share, or describe an interesting practice or program in the field of leadership education or describe an existing research project at either the emerging or final stage.
- Session length: Posters will be available for viewing and interaction during a live, 90 minute poster session
- Submission word limit: 500 words (excluding abstract and references)
All submissions must be submitted by Tuesday, February 11th, 2025.

1. Register
Click on the "Register" link and complete and submit the registration form.
2. Login
Login to the ALE Annual Conference with your email and password.
3. Create
Select the 2025 Conference Call for Proposals from the dropdown list.
4. Save
As you are completing the form, your responses can be saved as a DRAFT until all the required information is completed. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the category tab when the form is saved. At any time, you can download and print your form by clicking on the Download Button in the Form Summary section.
5. Submit
On completion, save your form as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your form for your records by clicking on the download button in the Form Summary section in the right column.
For any questions, please reach out to ALEConferenceChair@gmail.com.
Please note first time conference proposal submitters and reviewers must create an account on this website (click on the Register button below) - this is separate from your Association of Leadership Educators membership log in.
Contact Us
Brittany Adams-Pope2025 Association of Leadership Educators Conference Chair
Email: ALEConferenceChair@gmail.com